• What Baking Soda Was Originally Used For – A Lesson in Product Positioning

    What Baking Soda Was Originally Used For – A Lesson in Product Positioning


    I was really hoping to build up to this punchline, but it’s too obvious to wait – baking soda was originally used for baking.  Shocking I know. Especially coming from me, who loves thematic names. Hard to get more thematic then baking soda being used for baking.  So why is this age old product the…

  • Positioning Your Product for Greater Success Through Customer Usage Data

    Positioning Your Product for Greater Success Through Customer Usage Data


    Once your product is out in the wild being used by customers, you should be doing everything in your power to measure their experience. You will undoubtedly have questions that need answers. Some of the bigger questions will likely be: Are customers getting value out of using your product? Who specifically is getting value out of…