Hi there, I’m Sean and I’m a B2B SaaS Consultant

I live in Philadelphia (go birds!) and am passionate about solving business problems through technology. I have many years of experience in consulting and building B2B SaaS companies.

My philosophy is always to start with what I refer to is a problem worth solving to address an obvious unmet need. Over many years I’ve refined my ability to uncover these opportunities through research and discovery.

I split my time helping you as a B2B SaaS Consultant and building my own product companies such as StaffGeek and Podcast Chef. This means I know where you are and more importantly where you want to go.

I love building these companies so much that in 2009 I formed NxtStep to provide SaaS Consulting Services to companies like yours.

I’d welcome the opportunity to help you reach your B2B SaaS goals.

My History

I’d like to share with you only some of my accomplishments as a repeat B2B SaaS product company founder and B2B SaaS Consultant.

Finance industry Infrastructure engineering tools that have saved thousands of hours and millions of dollars for technical operations at The Vanguard Group

Nonprofit sector SaaS products that have enabled programs in the finance industry to reach greater than 300% more people in less than half the time

Hybrid hardware and software companies in the energy sector that have scaled to the point of being successfully acquired for competitive multiples on earnings

Robotics companies successfully scaled product development processes that enabled companies to reach levels of fundraising of series B and later

B2B SaaS product company turnaround efforts in the technology and finance industries that have gone from deep in the red financially to securely in the black with room to grow

More Details

Plenty more details and testimonials about my efforts to help companies like yours as a B2B SaaS Consultant are available in the case studies section of my website available in the footer below.

If you’d like to learn more about what I can do to help your B2B SaaS company succeed, please feel free to schedule a free product strategy consultation.

Build a Profitable B2B SaaS For Less Than $750

Sign up for my free 5-day email course where you’ll learn step-by-step:

  • How to find a problem worth solving
  • How to sell before you build
  • How to measure profit potential
  • How to leverage AI to supercharge your B2B SaaS
  • How to build your B2B SaaS quickly and cost-effectively

Net result?

You’ll learn how to build a profitable B2B SaaS for less than $750 by working on it part-time (you don’t have to quit your day job).