• How Important is it for a Product Manager to be Technical

    How Important is it for a Product Manager to be Technical


    Product Management is a relatively new area of concentration in the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).  A product manager combines aspects of the business operation and the technical development.  Since a product manager is expected to have knowledge in both business and tech, they typically have a background in one or both of these areas…

  • How to Increase User Engagement for Your Product

    How to Increase User Engagement for Your Product


    Effective user engagement is critical to make your product stand out.  If you want your product to be more than just a “gimmick” then you’ll have to invest time and resources into improving user engagement.  Audit the performance of your product in the following areas to see which of these could stand to improve to…

  • Should I Remove That Product Feature?

    Should I Remove That Product Feature?


    Product management doesn’t focus exclusively on adding features.  Product management should focus on whether or not your product has the right features.  If your product doesn’t have the right features, then you need to make some changes.  Occasionally a product feature will experience minimal activity.  This can happen for many reasons.  What’s important is to…

  • How Do I Prioritize the Next Feature for My Product

    How Do I Prioritize the Next Feature for My Product


    Features make products unique.  Unique products are what we use to attract new customers.  So how do we prioritize what features go into the design of our product?  Better yet, how do we select an individual feature over all other feature options?  While I’ve heard lots of companies share many variables that they would like…

  • What to do When Your Product Gets Stuck

    What to do When Your Product Gets Stuck


    Have you developed your product to or beyond the MVP phase?  Have you been enjoying at least some success, but are now unsure of where to take the product from here?  I meet a lot of people that are stuck in a similar situation.  They’ve made significant progress and their plan is working, but now…

  • Do I Need a Product Manager?

    Do I Need a Product Manager?


    Even if you don’t need a product manager, you want one. Allow me to explain. We all want our companies to be successful and being successful means having the right help. We are all well aware at this point that trying to do everything yourself is a recipe for disaster. As products have become more…

  • What is a Product Manager?

    What is a Product Manager?


    Often confused with project manager or brand manager a product manager, among other things, includes aspects of both.  The best description I’ve heard to date for a product manager is the CEO of the product.  The “product” is usually some type of technology or software used for purposes internal or external to an organization.  With…