• How To Use A Market Trend To Accelerate The Growth of Your Product Business

    How To Use A Market Trend To Accelerate The Growth of Your Product Business


    When your product is finally on the market, like everyone else, you’ll want it to sell rather quickly.  In fact, the majority of your time and money will likely go towards getting your product into the hands of as many customers as possible.  However, what many product business owners find out, is that this growth…

  • What Baking Soda Was Originally Used For – A Lesson in Product Positioning

    What Baking Soda Was Originally Used For – A Lesson in Product Positioning


    I was really hoping to build up to this punchline, but it’s too obvious to wait – baking soda was originally used for baking.  Shocking I know. Especially coming from me, who loves thematic names. Hard to get more thematic then baking soda being used for baking.  So why is this age old product the…

  • Positioning Your Product for Greater Success Through Customer Usage Data

    Positioning Your Product for Greater Success Through Customer Usage Data


    Once your product is out in the wild being used by customers, you should be doing everything in your power to measure their experience. You will undoubtedly have questions that need answers. Some of the bigger questions will likely be: Are customers getting value out of using your product? Who specifically is getting value out of…

  • What Beating the Competition Actually Looks Like –  A Lesson from Tesla and Ford

    What Beating the Competition Actually Looks Like – A Lesson from Tesla and Ford


    I’m a car guy.  Since I was a little kid I’ve been fascinated by them.  It started with toys then graduated to RC (remote controlled) models that I built myself from scratch and ultimately graduated to rebuilding classic muscle cars.  It’s something that will always be in my DNA. What’s also great about cars is…

  • How To Know When You’re Ready To Build Your Product

    How To Know When You’re Ready To Build Your Product


    For those of you that have been following much of the content I product, you are no doubt well aware that there is much to do before you actually build your product. However, if you’ve ever asked yourself any of the following then this article is for you. When will I be ready to actually…

  • How Do I Go About Branding and Naming My Product?

    How Do I Go About Branding and Naming My Product?


    When preparing to build a new product business, much attention and time is spent on what to call our fancy new product.  The good news is, I’m going to simplify this for you right now and give you some time back. First, some background. If you’ve ever agonized over what to call the product for…

  • What Tesla Can Teach Us About Positioning Our Products

    What Tesla Can Teach Us About Positioning Our Products


    Marketing for your product is powerful and critical for success, but it isn’t easy. Finish this phrase — “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s….”. Sorry for that, if it’s any consolation that jingle is now stuck in my head too. However, you get my point — marketing is powerful and what is marketing to a product business — product positioning.…

  • Why The Product Positioning That Worked Then Doesn’t Work Now

    Why The Product Positioning That Worked Then Doesn’t Work Now


    There’s a reason why marketing invests heavily into experimentation.  This is because the market isn’t static, it’s ever changing. Constant testing and research is necessary to stay on top of the latest trends.   Depending on the market your product lives in, it could change at a faster or slower pace.  Regardless, you can take to…

  • How To Know If Your Product Positioning Is Off

    How To Know If Your Product Positioning Is Off


    Solving problems isn’t enough to make your product successful. You must also position your product for success. Product positioning is all about defining how your product is the best at something specific for a particular target market and does something that is very important for them.   When speaking with customers, have you experienced any of the…

  • Why Your Product Isn’t Selling Well

    Why Your Product Isn’t Selling Well


    We pour our heart and soul into our product business, but that can be a real problem. This causes the all-too-common ‘forest through the trees problem’ when it comes to doing right by our customers and ultimately our product. If you’ve found yourself in one of these situations with your product business before then this…