Product Strategy Expertise

B2B SaaS Consulting And Product Coaching

Is Your Product-Market Fit Off?

You know you need it, but you don’t have it and you aren’t sure why. Let’s find out what’s off about your product-market fit and fix it.

Are You Missing Critical Product Research?

If so, your product or company may be at risk of failing. Let’s identify the problems worth solving in your market and capitalize on them.

Is Your Product Development Process Messy?

Poor communication, missed deadlines, product roadmaps that lack validity are symptoms of a poor product development process. Let’s fix it.

Do Your Product People Need Help?

Junior and inexperienced product people can benefit from personalized help. Upskill them to accelerate scaling your product company.

Product Discovery

Let’s discuss whether or not product discovery can help build a plan that will help your company achieve product success.

Real Product Results

Hear from people like you who have benefited from product discovery with me.
Sean was critical in helping CSBS build a strong product function. He helped us build a data-driven product roadmap that delivers a strong ROI for our organization. I’ve taken to referring to him as the ‘product whisperer’.
Jim Cooper
President and CEO,
Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)
Sean makes it really easy to understand how your software solves a problem, and the impact of it. We hired Sean to help us navigate the early stages of our software, and the level of clarity we received from our working together is invaluable. Highly recommend him.
Adam Niec
Founder, Rate Tracker
Sean did a great job engaging with our team from the outset. He worked hard to listen and understand our existing procedures, protocols, and personnel in order to help us transition smoothly to a more efficient process without needing to reinvent the wheel. He kept us on track over the course of our engagement with his disciplined approach. Thank you Sean!
Jon Kelly
Founder & CEO, Canary Compliance
Sean helped me understand what it means to be an effective product manager. Through a combination of one-on-one private coaching, self-study resources he regularly recommended and providing support while I implemented new strategies and processes at Repisodic, we’ve been able to significantly develop our product operation and I’ve been able to grow as a product manager. Thank you Sean!
Preeya D’Mello
Product Manager, Repisodic
Sean has enabled EmployeeCycle to grow at a remarkable rate. We are making big changes and lots of noise in our industry. Much of that is thanks to our time spent working with Sean.
Bruce Marable
Co-Founder & CEO, Employee Cycle
Sean has a great ability to translate between business and tech and that has been invaluable to our success. We come into our meetings with a list of discussion topics, and Sean helps us refine them into a coherent, achievable two week project plan.
Salas Saraiya
Co-Founder & CTO, Employee Cycle
Besides the obvious results, it has been a pleasure to work with Sean and his team at NxtStep. They bring so much valuable knowledge and expertise to our team and always share it when necessary so we can not only advance our mission, but further our own education about the process.
George Reuter
Director of Learning & Knowledge Management,
Compass Working Capital
Sean and NxtStep were the exact partners we needed so that we could start bringing value to more clients faster and more cost effectively than we had once thought possible.
Markita Morris-Louis
CEO, Compass Working Capital
Sean was a great help to Exyn and me personally. Our work focused around envisioning and implementing the framework of a high-functioning product development organization. He helped me formalize the mission and provided additional training and mentorship for our product team members, along with practical workshops to help them implement the changes successfully.
Ben Williams
COO, Exyn Technologies
Sean provided executive product coaching for our leaders. He helped them figure out how they could perform the most impactful work to drive the organization forward.
Tiffany Fields
Head of People, Exyn Technologies
It has been a pleasure working with Sean and his team at NxtStep. Our products knowledge has increased significantly and the benefits of their work will continue to pay dividends as we continue to grow and scale our product organization.
Rebecca Block
PhD | Sr Director, Innovation & Continuous Improvement, Springboard
Sean opened my eyes to the world of product strategy. We had been making mistakes that were obvious to him, but not us. Once he helped us get back on track, it was full speed ahead.
Mark Surkin
Co-Founder & CEO, Dineable

Hi there, I’m Sean and I’m a B2B SaaS Consultant.

I’ve built several SaaS businesses and I want to help you successfully build yours (and avoid the mistakes I made).

That’s why I offer SaaS Consulting Services through my company NxtStep.

The Role of a SaaS Consultant

You may be wondering what a SaaS Consultant does.  The short answer is I can help your B2B SaaS solve the challenges that are preventing your company from scaling.

What I have helped SaaS companies with includes product strategy, discovery and research to identify problems worth solving, building product development to scale and helping build processes related to product sales and marketing including positioning.  I’ve also led several B2B SaaS product company turnaround efforts.

As a SaaS consultant, my goal is to remove anything standing in the way of your company reaching product-market fit. That can include strategic help with customer discovery, user research, product development, positioning and even SaaS sales and marketing.

My process typically starts with discovery to map out the shortest path for your B2B SaaS from where you are currently to where you want to go.

If your company could stand to benefit from my expertise as a B2B SaaS Consultant then please schedule a free session to discuss.

Build a Profitable B2B SaaS For Less Than $750

Sign up for my free 5-day email course where you’ll learn step-by-step:

  • How to find a problem worth solving
  • How to sell before you build
  • How to measure profit potential
  • How to leverage AI to supercharge your B2B SaaS
  • How to build your B2B SaaS quickly and cost-effectively

Net result?

You’ll learn how to build a profitable B2B SaaS for less than $750 by working on it part-time (you don’t have to quit your day job).