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E157: Make Sure You Know Who Your B2B SaaS Product Is For

After your B2B SaaS product begins to get traction, ideas or improvement will fly at you fast.  If you aren’t laser focused on who your product is for (and who it isn’t) your product could become a convoluted mess.  Let’s talk about this strategy and how to manage it effectively for your B2B SaaS.

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Episode Transcript
 Hey folks, Sean here, and in this episode I want to talk to you about why you need to remain laser focused on exactly who you’re building for. When I say what, what I mean is your B2B SaaS product, who specifically is it for? As in, who’s your target market? Who’s that buyer persona? Who has the problems worth solving that you’re trying to help?

Reason why I mentioned this is because once you start gaining some traction with your product, it’s entirely possible and even likely, That ideas are just gonna fly at you fest. From people that are using your product, even people that aren’t. So it can get really noisy really fast, and this is where it’s going to test your resolve in terms of your ability to remain laser focused on precisely who you’re building for.

And if you haven’t defined that right outta the gate, it gets a little bit harder to do. But this is an opportunity to get definitive about that, and that’s a good thing. The more definitive you are about. Who your customer is and who they aren’t, the easier it’s gonna be to understand which ideas make sense, or which problems worth solving you should be chasing, and which ones you should not.

The most easiest or the easiest distinction here for those of us building B2B SaaS products, applications that we’re trying to turn into profitable businesses is the business versus consumer argument. Now, I’m building a podcast post-production kind of automation tool at the moment. On podcast show notes, and that can be in terms of who the customer is for that product.

That can be podcast agencies, so specific businesses that basically manage podcasts for businesses or. Podcast hosts, and I would consider the former example to be a business and the latter to be a consumer. So one would be B2B and the other would be b2c. Now, if I tried to build around the needs of both, it’s gonna kind of turn my product into a convoluted mess, or I should say that’s the first step on a slippery slope that really leads to your product becoming a mess because you’re trying to build around the needs of.

Two potentially very different target market customers, and I know they sound similar, but the needs are definitely different. I’ll give you just one example for the podcast agencies, for the most part, they have teams, teams of people helping their customers with managing the podcast. The consumers on the other hand, which are probably just host.

They may be doing everything themselves. They may not have a team of people. So something like user management may make sense for the podcast agency, but it may not make any sense for the podcast host or the consumer variation. So just that, just with that example, you can see how almost an entire module that might get built into your product would be used or leveraged very differently depending upon who you’re building around.

Now the B2B versus B2B distinction can be a little bit easier to see, but sometimes not really. What the challenge is here is avoiding chasing a market that could be very difficult to figure out where the patterns are. And this is why I love building around businesses is because they have long-term goals in mind and they stick to them.

For the most part, they have to, right? They define plans, they put up a lot of time, effort, energy, money. Into building these long-term plans, and your objective is to help them achieve those. That’s the successful outcome they’re trying to generate for our B2B customers, consumers, on the other hand, I’ve always felt as like herding cats.

I’m sure you’ve heard some variation of that phrase before, but there’s just a lot of opinions. There’s a lot of inconsistency, and it’s very difficult to define the patterns around there. Also, there may or may not be budget because consumers may be doing this as a hobby. They may be trying to generate revenue with it.

But their strategies may be flawed, potentially severely flawed to the extent where that revenue may never be coming, which means that the conversation with you and your product in terms of whether or not it’s worth investing into is very different with consumers than it is for businesses. So I strongly recommend, and vast majority of the content I’m producing is all B2B oriented.

I’m only building SaaS products for businesses for those reasons and more, but, Even beyond that, even if you’re talking about multiple business customers, you need to make sure which one you need to be laser focused on because that is gonna be where the source of where you’re gonna go to find new opportunities to build features and functionality around to strengthen your products value proposition.

And if you’re chasing anything else that has the potential to turn your product into a convoluted mess.