Product Launch

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E200: Don’t Waste Time: Validate Your B2B SaaS Idea ASAP

In this episode, Sean discusses the importance of validating your B2B SaaS product idea early and not being afraid to find out if it’s not a great idea. Many entrepreneurs spend years working on a concept without testing it in the market, which can lead to wasted time and effort. Sean emphasizes the need to sell your concept as soon as possible, as finding out early whether your idea has potential or not is crucial for building a successful business.

Key Points

  • Waiting too long to validate your B2B SaaS idea is a common problem among entrepreneurs.
  • Testing your concept with the target market early on allows you to gather data and make necessary adjustments.
  • Building too far down the wrong path can result in the need to backtrack or start over.
  • Providing a solution to a top problem for your target market is essential for success.
  • If the feedback from the market is not positive, it’s better to know sooner rather than later.
  • Don’t be afraid to get your concept in front of the market and listen to the feedback.
  • Early stage validation criteria and data can provide confidence and guide your next steps.


  • “We wanna get your product concept and idea in front of a target market as fast as possible cuz you find out that what it is that you’ve been working on won’t sell.”
  • “If you build too far down the wrong path, then you’re simply going to need to backtrack or start over before you can actually make any kind of progress.”
  • “If you’re not providing a solution to a top problem for your target market, they definitely will not pay for it.”
  • “Don’t be afraid to get that concept out and in front of the market as soon as you can and don’t take whatever feedback you’re going to get.”