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E81: How To Best Leverage Disruptive Technology

by Sean Boyce

Have you worried about disruptive technology rendering your product obsolete? If so, you’re not alone. Here’s a more constructive approach.

When disruptive technology is invented we sometimes freakout that it may send shockwaves through our industry or render our product obsolete. 

Here’s why that fear is often overblown and how you should respond instead.

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Episode Transcript
Hey, folks, Sean here and today what I want

to talk to you about is the approach you

should be taking if and when any new technology

is ever developed which is looking like it may

severely disrupt either your product or your industry.

Now, my motivation for wanting to talk about this topic

comes from all of the buzz surrounding Chat GPT.

And a lot of conversation and dialogue is

about how it’s going to change things dramatically.

What is it going to make obsolete?

Our author is no longer going to be a thing.

Our artists no longer going to be a thing.

There’s all kinds of dialogue going on

about the major hugely disruptive changes that

may take place because of this technology.

Now, the first thing I’ll say

is that technology isn’t technically new.

It’s been around for years, they’ve been

working on refining it for years.

But more recently, I would argue that the adoption

is significantly more widespread because people are really starting

to adopt it and come up with creative new

use cases in terms of how they may leverage

it in order to make their lives better, create

more value, save more time, whatever it is.

People are figuring out what those use cases

are and OpenAI company that owns Chat GPT

is really studying and evaluating that.

They’re doing the research and putting in the

time to figure out how they’re going to

ultimately position it in order to figure out

where it generates the most value for the

most people, because that speaks to opportunity.

But having said that, the sentiment that I’m hearing in a

lot of ways is some of it’s doom and gloom, right?

And I get it right, video killed

the radio star or whatever, right?

A bunch of examples like that.

The thing that’s often not told is how any

of the individuals that were in, for example, radio,

in that example that I just shared, had evolved

from there as the new technology became available.

And there was plenty of that.

And that’s really what I want to speak to in

terms of the strategy that you should be leveraging in

order to ensure that what it is you’re working on

can be preserved or ultimately upgrade it in a significant way

with the help of this new technology.

So you shouldn’t see it necessarily as

a foe in all these instances.

What I’d rather have you do is study it

so that you can better understand how you may

be able to incorporate it in whatever it is

that you’re working on because it may speak to

an opportunity to actually improve your value proposition.

And in order to make this strategy sound even

a little bit more convincing, what I want to

do is I want to share with you an

example from one of my own product companies, which

is called Podcast Chef, how we leverage this strategy

in order to improve our value proposition as the

industry evolved, as new technology became available.

So, if you’re unfamiliar, my product company, Podcast Chef, which

is a productized service, essentially helps people that are selling

higher ticket services in the B to B world open

doors with who ultimately could become a major client by

instead of going directly at them with a pitch, which

no one likes to be sold to, especially in that

way if you don’t have some form of existing relationship,

but instead invite them to be a guest on your

podcast, because that’s a great way to kind of open

a door and start building a relationship.

Plus you’ve got the opportunity to invest in it

and create a bunch of organic content at the

same time, a whole bunch of value, specifically speaking

to the Podcast Chef current value proposition.

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However, having said that, at the time when digital shorts

like some of the content that I’ve been creating and

sharing on YouTube as well too, and across other platforms,

really started to become very popular and start to gain

a lot of traction in the mainstream.

A lot of these platforms like YouTube were

really promoting this short form digital video content.

We didn’t originally have that as part of

our core process and we were wondering, is

that something that’s going to disrupt podcasting?

Like what’s going to happen to podcasting?

So we had some of the same questions that you

may have now in terms of how chat GPT may

be disrupting your product, making it obsolete or whatever.

Is the technology going to disrupt your product?

Is the technology going to disrupt your

industry, and if so, how severely? Right?

So we were having the same type of

conversations about what digital shorts were going to

do to our productized service, Podcast Chef.

Now, instead of freaking out and panicking and doing

anything pretty significantly that was potentially irrational or whatever,

what we did was we studied digital shorts to

better understand what value they could add and if

they could actually be incorporated in what we were

already doing to even make it better.

Did that make sense?

And long story short, it did.

So what we were doing at the time was we

were encouraging people when they were recording podcasts to do

so in video, and then when they had an opportunity

to ultimately promote the video in addition to the audio,

we would do that for them as well too.

So that was already making its way to YouTube,

but we weren’t really focusing on it so much.

So now when digital shorts gained a lot of

popularity and traction, we saw that as a potential

lever we could incorporate in order to help our

clients shows grow more significantly, and that’s pretty much

what we looked to do.

So we figured out how to take the

video content, chop it up into a bunch

of shorts and share it across the world.

Now, that isn’t something that’s

particularly unique right now.

That’s something we’ve been doing for quite a while,

but that’s how we handled a major disruption to

our industry based on what was going on social

media wise and content wise, and what was being

promoted at the time, and to potentially figure out

how it might disrupt what we were doing.

A podcast, Chef.

So, having said that, that’s really the approach that I

want you to take is I want you to look

at new technology from the perspective of what is it,

how do I better understand it, how do I and

then how might you be able to leverage it?

As in, can your product incorporate any new

technology into your process to receive some of

the benefits of the faster, cheaper, easier stuff

that new technology often provides in order to

actually strengthen your value proposition?

If you take that approach, then all of

a sudden, any new technology or any major

disruptive changes really aren’t all that scary, and

in fact, they become more exciting.

What is exciting for us at Podcast

Chef is incorporating that into our process

has made our value proposition stronger.

Because now we don’t just have the ability to open doors,

we have the ability to grow shows in a great way

as well, too, in a much shorter period of time.

And digital shorts have helped us do that

once we incorporate it into our routine.

So I wanted to make sure that you were

aware the approach that I’d recommend you take when

it comes to new technology and how it may

be disruptive, but it could be disruptive in a

good way if you’re thinking about it this way.