• E51: Preparing Graduates for Workplace Success with Braven’s Aimee Eubanks Davis

    E51: Preparing Graduates for Workplace Success with Braven’s Aimee Eubanks Davis


    This episode, Founder and CEO of Braven Aimee Eubanks Davis talks about the challenges underrepresented youth face in the labor market, what graduates need to be successful in the workplace, and the ways Braven measures its impact and plans to scale. Aimée Eubanks Davis is the founder and CEO of Braven, a national nonprofit…

  • E125: Don’t Panic About AI


    I’m seeing more and more instances of people freaking out about AI in a bad way.  It seems many people think that all their skills will become obsolete overnight which dooms their future.  I want to share with you why this isn’t the case.  New technology still takes a while to reach widespread adoption into…