Strategies for B2B SaaS Demand Generation Success in 2023

by Sean Boyce

In today’s competitive B2B SaaS landscape, having a solid demand generation strategy is essential for driving growth and staying ahead of the curve. This blog post aims to provide valuable insights on how to create a successful demand generation strategy, covering various aspects such as identifying your target audience, setting goals, choosing the right channels, and creating engaging content. Let’s dive in and explore the world of B2B SaaS demand generation.

Short Summary

  • Leverage AI and marketing automation to create high-quality content, optimize websites, and harness the power of SEO for successful B2B SaaS demand generation.
  • Develop buyer personas to target your audience with tailored messages that address their needs.
  • Study successful strategies used by companies such as Dropbox, Slack, Shopify & Box for increased chances of success in your own efforts.

Understanding B2B SaaS Demand Generation

Demand generation is a comprehensive approach to driving customer acquisition through marketing and sales tactics, focusing on producing content that informs prospects about your SaaS product and its advantages. A well-executed demand generation campaign is a crucial component of any organization’s sales and marketing approach, as without it, lead generation and closing sales will not be possible.

B2B SaaS demand generation is anticipated to increasingly leverage artificial intelligence and marketing automation, as well as incorporate more personalized strategies to build a more efficient demand generation engine. Successful SaaS companies typically employ tactics such as creating high-quality content, utilizing social media and paid advertising, and optimizing their website to achieve maximum demand generation ROI.

Crafting Your B2B SaaS Demand Generation Strategy

Developing a successful B2B SaaS demand generation strategy involves identifying your target audience, setting clear goals, choosing the right channels, and creating relevant and engaging content that resonates with your prospects.

In the following subsections, we will delve deeper into each aspect of crafting an effective demand generation strategy.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is crucial for creating content that addresses their needs and pain points. One effective way to gain a deeper understanding of your target market is by creating a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on market research and insights from your existing customer base.

By developing a buyer persona, you can better tailor your content and marketing messages to the needs and interests of your target audience, helping you to better connect with potential customers and generate demand throughout the buyer’s journey.

Setting Demand Generation Goals

Setting demand generation goals helps you focus your efforts, track progress, and measure the success of your campaigns, ensuring a positive ROI. Key objectives for B2B SaaS demand generation include establishing trust, increasing engagement with the product, and boosting customer value.

To evaluate the success of demand generation campaigns, metrics such as website visits, leads generated, and conversions must be tracked. Examples of B2B SaaS companies that have successfully created demand generation engines include Dropbox, Slack, and Salesforce, which have effectively utilized various strategies and tactics to drive growth.

Choosing the Right Channels

Choosing the right channels for your demand generation efforts involves evaluating the effectiveness of various platforms, such as articles, podcasts, webinars, events, content syndication, and social media, to reach and engage your target audience. Some of the most popular demand generation channels for B2B SaaS demand generation include LinkedIn ads, webinars, content marketing, and social media.

Creating targeted ads for SaaS demand generation is essential in order to effectively communicate with the intended audience and emphasize your product’s unique value proposition. The Boomerang Method, a two-step approach to remarketing, can be used to maximize ROI from any in-person events you’d like to attend such as trade shows by organizing and prioritizing leads based on their level of interest and potential value, customizing follow-up messages, and offering incentives or exclusive content to encourage action and close deals.

Creating Relevant and Engaging Content

Creating relevant and engaging content is essential for attracting and nurturing leads. It can include blog posts, eBooks, infographics, webinars, and more. Bottom-of-funnel (BOFU) content, targeted towards prospects who are close to making a purchase decision, typically has higher conversion rates than other types of content.

An effective lead magnet, such as a compilation of common mistakes made by those without access to your product, should be straightforward, provide clear steps for action, focus on a specific goal, and be easy to consume. By offering value in your content, you can enhance the engagement between the reader and your brand, ultimately driving demand generation success.

Optimizing Your Website for Demand Generation

Optimizing your website for demand generation involves improving its structure, design, and user experience to better connect with visitors and drive conversions. Key elements to focus on include captivating headlines, clear value propositions, and efficient lead capture forms. Prioritize the homepage, products and features pages, and the blog to maximize conversions.

Incorporating succinct value propositions, avoiding ambiguous copy, using genuine images of your application, and showcasing social proof are some of the recommended practices for conversion rate optimization (CRO) for B2B SaaS companies. Additionally, offering various lead capture options, such as forms, free trials, webinars, and demos, can help generate leads on your website.

Leveraging SEO for B2B SaaS Demand Generation

Leveraging SEO for B2B SaaS demand generation involves investing in technical SEO, on-page optimization, and off-page strategies to improve your search engines’ presence and attract more organic traffic to your website. A framework-driven approach to SEO for SaaS demand generation entails breaking it down into a few key areas of focus which should ensure visibility for the correct keywords at the ideal level of awareness.

Effective SEO strategies for SaaS companies include various content and link building strategies for different levels of awareness, maximizing visibility over time. By investing in SEO, you can ensure that your content is seen by your target market, ultimately driving demand generation success.

For more on how to succeed in SEO for your B2B SaaS, refer to our related article here.

Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing

Harnessing the power of email marketing for demand generation involves creating targeted and personalized email drip campaigns that nurture leads with valuable content, keeping them engaged until they are ready to purchase. Adapting content to the audience in email marketing enhances engagement and overall effectiveness of drip campaigns.

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Drip email campaigns can include various types of content, such as blog posts, video demos, free webinars, white papers, and other high-quality materials. By offering value in your email campaigns, you can enhance the engagement between the reader and your brand, ultimately driving demand generation success.

A key here is to determine whether or not it makes sense to invest in outbound email marketing for your classification of SaaS products.  This strategy typically makes the most sense for high-touch SaaS products or low-touch SaaS products with a higher LTV.  Regardless, ensure you are measuring the ROI of any investment into B2B SaaS demand generation.

Utilizing Social Media and Paid Advertising

Utilizing social media and paid advertising for demand generation involves creating targeted ads on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google Ads, as well as engaging with prospects through organic social media campaigns and remarketing efforts. When targeting prospects on LinkedIn, it’s recommended to use specific job titles of desired prospects. Lead magnet downloads have also been shown to perform well as an effective hook on LinkedIn.

To determine the total number of clicks required to attain your desired acquisition goal for PPC ads, multiply your desired goal per month by the visitor-to-goal conversion rate. Establishing a baseline for measuring PPC campaign performance is recommended to be at least one month. To calculate the target cost per click (CPC) for PPC ads, divide the total ad budget by the target clicks per month. By doing so, you can effectively manage your customer acquisition cost.

Measuring and Analyzing Your Demand Generation Efforts

Measuring and analyzing your demand generation efforts is crucial for identifying areas of improvement, optimizing your campaigns, and ensuring a positive ROI. Metrics such as conversion rates, lead quality, and cost per acquisition can be used to evaluate the success of demand generation campaigns.

Evaluating the success of demand generation campaigns is critical to guarantee that you are achieving a beneficial return on investment and making the most effective use of your resources. By continually measuring and analyzing your efforts, you can optimize your demand generation strategy, ultimately driving business growth.

Successful B2B SaaS Demand Generation Examples

Successful B2B SaaS demand generation examples, such as Shopify, Box, and Slack, demonstrate the effectiveness of various strategies and tactics in generating a steady stream of qualified leads and driving business growth. These companies have utilized a combination of content marketing, targeted advertising, email marketing, and social media marketing to achieve impressive results in their demand generation efforts.

The key here is to realize that B2B SaaS companies that have achieved success with their marketing strategies have built a system that performs well from a combination of tactics that they experimented with over time.  Your experience is likely to be similar.

By learning from these successful examples, you can apply similar strategies and tactics to your own B2B SaaS demand generation efforts, maximizing your chances of success and driving growth for your business.


In conclusion, a well-executed B2B SaaS demand generation strategy is essential for driving growth and staying ahead in today’s competitive landscape. By identifying your target audience, setting clear goals, choosing the right channels then experimenting, you can build a B2B SaaS marketing strategy that performs well for your business.

If you need help building this for your business, schedule a free product strategy consultation with me here.  I coach and consult with B2B SaaS Founders and executives to help them achieve their goals and scale their businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is demand generation in SaaS?

Demand generation in SaaS is the process of creating and nurturing new opportunities for the sales team, with the goal of scaling the number of opportunities sourced each month or quarter by increasing marketing spend.

This process involves a variety of tactics, such as content marketing, email campaigns, social media campaigns, and more. Each of these tactics can be used to reach potential customers and generate leads. Additionally, it is important to track the performance of each tactic to ensure that the marketing budget is adequate.

What is B2B SaaS demand generation?

B2B demand generation is a marketing and advertising strategy designed to accelerate business growth by creating interest and demand for your product. It helps businesses stand out in crowded markets, educating potential customers on how they can benefit from the products being offered.

By leveraging the right channels and tactics, B2B SaaS demand generation can help you reach more potential customers, increase brand awareness, and drive more qualified leads. It can also help you build relationships with customers and nurture them through the use of technology.

What is the future of B2B SaaS?

The future of B2B SaaS is looking positive, with growth projected in the coming years as businesses embrace digital transformation and seek out solutions to improve operations.

Organic search, paid search, social media, and content marketing are popular demand generation channels for B2B SaaS companies.

What role does SEO play in B2B SaaS demand generation?

SEO plays a crucial role in B2B SaaS demand generation by improving search engine presence, attracting more organic traffic to websites, and ensuring target markets see relevant content.

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