B2B SaaS Lead Generation: The Ultimate Guide for 2023

by Sean Boyce

What is B2B SaaS Lead Generation?

B2B SaaS lead generation is the process of identifying the ideal customer profile for your B2B SaaS and helping them understand how your software can better solve their problems so they can purchase it and receive value from it.

B2B SaaS Lead Generation Background

What is a lead?

A lead is a business that has expressed interest in your software product. The lead could have contacted you through any of the channels in which you aim to educate prospective customers about the benefits of your software.

Lead generation is the process of collecting information about potential customers to determine if they’re a good fit for your B2B SaaS product. This is done through research, customer interaction, and lead nurturing.

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

An ideal customer profile (ICP) is a representation of your target customer and should include their attributes, including demographic and psychographic information. This information is used to identify and target leads that have the highest potential to become customers.

Your ICP may include the following components:

  • Industry: Which industries will benefit most from your software?
  • Size: What is the size of the company you are targeting?
  • Location: Are you targeting local or international customers?
  • Job Title: Who is the decision-maker for the company?
  • Goals and Pain Points: What are your customers’ goals and what problems are they trying to solve?

By focusing on an ICP, you can ensure you are targeting the most qualified leads and narrow down your customer base to those that are most likely to convert. This can save you a lot of time and budget in the long run. Additionally, having an ICP in place can help inform your marketing strategies, allowing you to create more effective campaigns that will help you generate more qualified leads.

Qualifying Leads

Once you’ve identified your ICP, the next step is to qualify leads. This includes determining which leads are a good fit for the product and have the potential to convert into customers. Qualifying leads will help you prioritize the most valuable prospects and identify those that require additional work or nurturing to convert them into paying customers.

To begin qualifying leads, start with basic contact information such as name, email address and company size. Once you have this data, use scoring metrics to better understand the leads’ stage in the buyer’s journey. This may include scorecards that account for elements such as interest level or website interactions.

Your primary objective is to determine the probability of a lead to convert to a paying customer. The more qualified a lead is the high the chances are of them becoming a paying customer.

Product Type

When selecting a B2B software-as-a-service (SaaS) product, it is important to understand the difference between a low-touch and a high-touch version.

Low-touch B2B SaaS products are typically marketed as “self-service”, meaning that the product is designed to be as easy to use and understand as possible. These products typically require minimal involvement from the customer, allowing them to quickly sign up and start using the product without a lot of guidance. Low-touch products typically have a quick and easy onboarding process, as well as helpful onboarding materials such as user manuals and tutorials.

High-touch B2B SaaS products, on the other hand, are typically marketed as “premium” or “enterprise” versions. These products typically require more involvement from the customer, as they are often more complex or require more customization. High-touch products usually have more involved onboarding processes, and often require customer service representatives or account managers to assist the customer throughout the setup and usage process. This type of product typically has more features and capabilities than a low-touch version, and the customer may require additional training and support to understand and use the product.

Depending on your product type, you may invest in different lead generation strategies for your B2B SaaS.

Product Cost

What you charge for access to your product will affect what you can spend to generate leads. If your product is more expensive and typically attracts higher-paying customers then you’ll have more budget to invest in generating those leads. However, if your product is lower-cost then you may have less budget to invest in generating new leads.

It is important to measure the performance of your lead generation investment. We want to ensure you are generating leads cost effectively. Remember, you can’t lose a little bit on every sale and make it up in volume.

Regardless of the price of your B2B SaaS product, it is important to remember that the goal of lead generation is to generate quality leads that are more likely to become paying customers. Investing in quality lead generation strategies and tactics can help ensure that the leads you generate are more qualified, and more likely to convert into paying customers.

Lead Generation Strategies

There are various strategic approaches you may take to generating leads for your B2B SaaS. Let’s review them.

Hunting vs Farming

The terms “hunting” and “farming” are often used to describe two types of lead generation strategies. Hunting refers to actively looking for new leads, while farming refers to investing in strategies that will ultimately send those leads to you.

Hunting is typically associated with sales and farming is often associated with marketing. In sales we are proactively looking for customers vs with marketing we are trying to create ways for customers to find us. Typically speaking, the most effective approach is a blend of both strategies.

For a deeper dive on the hunting vs farming topic, see my related article. Let’s cover the various options for each category.

Cold Outreach

Cold outreach involves contacting prospects who have not yet expressed interest in your product or service. This includes tactics such as cold emailing, cold LinkedIn messaging, and cold calling.

Cold emailing is a tried and true method of reaching out to potential customers and leads. It involves sending an email to a list of contacts that have not interacted with your business previously. It is important to ensure that your cold email is properly formatted, and that you are sending it to the right list of contacts (your ICP). Cold LinkedIn messaging involves sending a direct message on that platform to prospects who have not yet expressed interest in your software.

Cold calling is another tactic for reaching out to potential customers. It is important to remember that when making cold calls, you want to keep it short and to the point. Make sure you are focusing on the benefits you are offering to the customer and that you are providing value. Cold calling is a more intimate way of communicating with prospects if that is what they prefer.

By utilizing a combination of cold outreach strategies like cold email, cold LinkedIn messaging, and cold calling, B2B SaaS businesses can effectively reach out to potential customers and leads. This type of lead generation can help increase awareness of your product, create better relationships with potential customers, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to reach potential customers. Through content marketing, businesses can create and distribute valuable information that educates and engages their target audiences. Content marketing can include articles, white papers, infographics, webinars, podcasts, email marketing and more. Content should be tailored to the needs of your target audience and help them understand why they need your software.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another important lead generation tactic for B2B SaaS businesses. SEO helps businesses increase their visibility in search engine results pages, which leads to more website visitors and potential customers. To optimize content for SEO, you need to use relevant keywords that your target audience will be searching for. You also need to make sure that each page is optimized for the best user experience.

Lead Generation Content Marketing

Case studies and social proof are essential elements of any successful lead generation strategy. They provide evidence that your B2B SaaS can solve a customer’s problem or meet their needs. In addition, case studies and social proof help build trust with potential customers and show them why they should choose your business over competitors.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is an important part of any B2B SaaS lead generation strategy. Lead nurturing involves creating and managing relationships with potential customers throughout the sales process. It is designed to identify and nurture leads that could potentially become customers. Lead nurturing can include email campaigns, personalized content, and targeted offers and promotions.

Lead nurturing involves understanding the needs and interests of potential customers and providing relevant content or resources to help them through their decision-making process. This helps to build trust and can increase the chances of customers choosing your business over competitors.

Lead nurturing also helps to reduce the sales cycle time by providing helpful information and resources to potential customers. For example, by providing educational materials about your product, customers can learn more about how it can help them make an informed decision.

Lead nurturing is essential for any B2B SaaS business because it helps to keep potential customers engaged and on the path to becoming paying customers. By understanding their needs and providing them with the resources they need to make an informed decision, businesses can increase their chances of success.

Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Account based marketing (ABM) is a targeted marketing strategy used by B2B SaaS businesses to reach and engage with potential customers. It is designed to focus on specific accounts and tailor strategies to those accounts. ABM leverages data and customer insight to ensure that each account is contacted with targeted messaging and content that is tailored to their individual needs.

ABM helps to build relationships with potential customers and provides a consistent message and experience for each account. This helps to build trust and credibility with potential customers and encourages them to choose your business over competitors.

With ABM, businesses can target specific accounts by segmenting their customer base and targeting each segment with a tailored message. This helps to ensure that each account is contacted with the right message at the right time.

ABM also helps to increase engagement with potential customers by providing them with more personalized content and messages. This helps to build relationships with potential customers and encourages them to take action.

Overall, account based marketing can help B2B SaaS businesses to target potential customers and encourage them to choose their business over competitors. By providing a tailored message and experience for each account, businesses can increase their chances of success.  For a great and detailed guide on account-based marketing, see the one produced by the team at the B2B SaaS CRM software company Hubspot.

Partnership Marketing

Partnership marketing is a strategy used by B2B SaaS businesses to reach more potential customers. It involves leveraging relationships with other businesses to reach their customer base and increase visibility.

Partnering with other businesses can provide a number of benefits, including increased reach, credibility, and access to new markets. When partnering with another business, B2B SaaS businesses can share resources and target their combined customer base more effectively. This can help to drive more leads, increase sales, and generate more revenue.

Lead Generation Partnership Marketing
Shaking hands flat design concept on tranparent background. Handshake, business agreement. partnership concepts. Two hands of businessman shaking. Vector illustration.

Partnering with influencers can also be beneficial. Influencers have large and engaged followings and can help to promote your products or services to a wider audience. They can also provide valuable feedback and insights into customer behavior, which can help you improve your products or services and increase customer satisfaction.

Overall, partnership marketing can be a great way for B2B SaaS businesses to reach more potential customers and increase visibility. By leveraging relationships with other businesses and influencers, businesses can increase their reach and gain access to new markets. This can help to drive more leads, increase sales, and generate more revenue.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy used by B2B SaaS businesses to increase visibility and generate more leads. This strategy involves partnering with other websites or influencers who can promote the business’s products or services to their audience.

In exchange for the promotion, the business will pay the affiliate a commission for each sale or lead they generate. This is a cost-effective way for businesses to reach a wider audience and generate more leads, as it costs less than other marketing strategies.

Affiliate marketing can be beneficial for B2B SaaS businesses, as it can help to generate more leads and increase sales. It also helps to build relationships with other businesses and influencers, which can lead to increased brand visibility and more exposure. Additionally, affiliates are often knowledgeable about the products and services they’re promoting, which can help to improve customer confidence and increase conversions.

Overall, affiliate marketing is a great way for B2B SaaS businesses to reach more potential customers and generate more leads. By partnering with affiliates who can promote their products or services, businesses can increase their reach and gain access to new markets. This can also help to drive more leads, increase sales, and generate more revenue.

Sign up for my free email course on how to build a profitable AI-powered B2B SaaS for less than $750

Business Model Variations

Freemium and free trial options are two strategies commonly used by B2B SaaS businesses to generate more leads. Freemium models offer customers the ability to use the software for free but with limited features or access. For example, a customer may be able to use the basic version of the product but not access certain premium features.

Alternatively, offering users a free trial option means they can ‘test drive’ your software before they decide whether or not to upgrade to a paid account. This is a great way to qualify leads with the help of your product. If it isn’t for them or doesn’t offer them enough value, they will self select out. However, if they are getting the value they need it is likely they will be qualified then upgrade to a paid version of your B2B SaaS.

Both of these strategies can be good ways to generate more leads and even qualify them as well. Generally speaking, more businesses using your product is a good thing as long as those leads also become qualified and a certain percentage of them convert to paying customers. These are a few of the most popular levers you can pull on that have to do with your B2B SaaS business model to generate more leads. For a deeper dive on the B2B SaaS business model, ready my other article here.

The Different Stages of Leads

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

A marketing qualified lead (MQL) is a lead that has shown interest in your B2B SaaS through interactions with your brand or content. MQLs are leads who have taken specific actions on your website, such as submitting a form, downloading a resource or watching a video, that indicate a greater level of interest in what you have to offer. MQLs are typically further along the buying process than a generic lead, and are better-qualified to be passed on to your sales team for further consideration. This makes them more likely to convert into paying customers. B2B SaaS businesses should focus on strategies and tactics that help identify and nurture MQLs to boost lead generation.

The Different Stages of Leads Marketing Qualified Lead

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

A Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a MQL that has been further vetted and has been deemed as a potential paying customer. SQLs are typically prospects that have expressed interest in your B2B SaaS and that have completed more in-depth activities, such as booking a demo or filling out a detailed form. At this stage, your sales team will start to engage with them to further evaluate the potential customer’s needs, and make sure they are a good fit for your product. SQLs are further along the customer journey and are more likely to convert into paying customers. Therefore, it is important for B2B SaaS businesses to focus on strategies and tactics that help nurture and convert MQLs to SQLs, to maximize lead generation performance.


An Opportunity is a promising lead that is being actively pursued by your B2B SaaS sales team. At this stage, the lead has been identified as a potential customer and is being contacted by your sales team to discuss your product and the customer’s needs. Opportunities are the most promising leads in terms of high conversion potential, and B2B SaaS businesses should focus on strategies and tactics that help increase the number of Opportunities in their pipeline. By actively engaging with leads and nurturing them throughout the customer journey, B2B SaaS businesses can maximize their lead generation performance.

Disqualifying Leads

When it comes to lead generation, it is important to know when to disqualify a lead. Disqualifying leads means recognizing when a lead is not a good fit for your B2B SaaS and choosing not to pursue a relationship with them. Doing so ensures you are not wasting valuable time and resources engaging with leads that are not likely to convert to customers. Disqualifying leads should be done as early as possible, ideally at the MQL stage, before investing further time and resources into pursuing the lead. Knowing your ideal customer profile (ICP) and the typical customer journey for your product can help you to identify and disqualify leads that are not a good fit. Additionally, using data-driven insights to analyze the customer behavior of leads can help you to recognize patterns related to successful customers, and disqualify leads that do not fit those patterns.

Lead Generation Performance & Metrics

To know if your lead generation strategies and tactics are working, you need to track and measure the performance of your lead generation activities. You can track the number of leads generated and the conversion rate of those leads, as well as a variety of other metrics. Additionally, it is important to track the customer journey of each lead to understand how and why they are engaging with your product. By analyzing all of these metrics together, you can gain insights into how well your lead generation strategies and tactics are performing and identify areas for improvement.

Let’s review some important metrics to keep track of to know how well lead generation is performing.

Measuring Cost Per Lead

Measuring Cost Per Lead is a key metric when evaluating the success of your lead generation strategies and tactics. It measures how much you are spending to generate a single lead and can help you to identify which strategies and tactics are providing the best return on investment (ROI). Cost per lead can be calculated by dividing the total cost of lead generation activities (including sales and marketing expenses) by the total number of leads generated. Additionally, it is important to track the cost per lead over time to understand how your ROI is changing based on your lead generation activities.

Measuring the ROI of Lead Generation

Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of lead generation activities is an important step in understanding how successful your lead generation strategies and tactics are. By measuring the ROI, you can determine how much revenue is being generated by each lead, and understand if your lead generation efforts are yielding a positive return. To calculate the ROI of lead generation, you can divide the total revenue generated by the total cost of lead generation activities. By tracking the ROI of lead generation over time, you can understand how successful and cost-effective your lead generation strategies and tactics are performing.

Lead Generation Scoring

Lead Generation Scoring is a strategy that can help identify high quality leads and prioritize those leads over lower quality leads. It can also help to identify which leads are most likely to convert to customers. By assigning a score to leads based on factors such as demographics, interests, behavior, and other activity data, it can provide insights into which leads to prioritize and which leads to pass on. Lead generation scoring can be a valuable tool in a B2B SaaS lead generation strategy, however, it is important to weigh the costs associated with lead generation scoring against the benefits of identifying higher quality leads.

To make lead generation scoring work for your product you need to develop a system that’s customized for you. This requires a clear understanding of your ICP and buyers journey. From here you can determine what actions or signals that come from your prospects increase or decrease the probability that they may turn into a paying customer.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Lifetime Value (LTV) is an important metric to consider when evaluating the success of a B2B SaaS lead generation strategy. LTV measures the total revenue generated by a customer over the lifetime of their relationship with a company. This metric can be used to help determine the total value of a lead, and thus, the return on investment of a lead generation activity. By measuring the total revenue associated with each lead over time, it can provide valuable insight into which leads are the most valuable, and which strategies are the most effective in generating high value leads. Additionally, measuring LTV in combination with measuring the ROI can provide an even better understanding of the effectiveness of lead generation activities as a whole.

Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) are a key metric to consider when evaluating the success of a B2B SaaS lead generation strategy. CAC measures the cost of acquiring a new customer, and when coupled with LTV, can provide a clear understanding of the return on investment of a lead generation activity. By understanding the total cost of acquiring a new customer, companies can assess whether their lead generation efforts are yielding a sufficient amount of high-value leads in order to be profitable. Additionally, CAC can be used to set an optimal budget for lead generation activities by helping to determine the maximum cost that a company is willing to pay to acquire a new customer. By understanding the CAC associated with lead generation, B2B SaaS companies can make more informed decisions and maximize the return on their lead generation efforts.

Lead Generation Tools

Lead generation tools can be a helpful way to manage and track lead generation activities, as well as measure the effectiveness of specific activities. Tools such as marketing automation platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and analytics dashboards can help companies manage lead generation efforts by providing visibility into the performance of their campaigns. With these tools, companies can track the leads they generate, monitor the conversion of leads to customers, and even measure the lifetime value (LTV) and Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) associated with their leads. By leveraging the insights offered by lead generation tools, B2B SaaS companies can refine their lead generation strategies and maximize their return on investment.

Lead Generation Sales Tools

Managing Email

Tools like Apollo.io can help B2B SaaS companies streamline their lead generation efforts by providing comprehensive insights into lead sources, automating lead collection processes, and facilitating better communication with prospects. The platform offers a range of features such as automated lead segmentation, message personalization, and automated follow-up campaigns, making it easier for companies to identify high-value leads and maximize the return on their lead generation efforts. Additionally, by providing a comprehensive view of leads across multiple channels, Apollo.io can help B2B SaaS companies quickly identify new lead sources and track the performance of their campaigns.


LinkedIn is a powerful platform for B2B SaaS lead generation. With its extensive network of professionals, companies can create targeted campaigns to reach prospects who may be interested in their product. LinkedIn Ads allows companies to target users with highly specific criteria, including job title, industry, and company size. Companies can also create content to be shared on their LinkedIn page, engage in group discussions, and leverage LinkedIn InMail to reach out directly to prospects. Moreover, LinkedIn’s Lead Accelerator feature helps companies automate the process of collecting, scoring, and nurturing leads. With LinkedIn’s lead generation tools, B2B SaaS companies can easily identify and reach out to high-value leads and maximize the return on their lead generation efforts.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, such as HubSpot, can be helpful in managing lead generation. For example, HubSpot offers an array of features that can streamline lead collection processes, help companies gain insights into prospect behavior and customize their outreach in a more personalized manner. Additionally, its automation features allow companies to set up automated lead scoring, segmentation, and follow-up campaigns, based on criteria such as job title, company size, and industry. This comprehensive list of features can help B2B SaaS companies to quickly identify high-value leads and maximize their return on lead generation efforts.

Building Your Lead Generation Process

Nailing Down Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Understanding why an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is so important to lead generation is crucial for B2B SaaS companies. An ICP is a detailed description of your target customer, including information such as industry, company size, job role, and other relevant characteristics. By defining your ICP, you can focus your marketing and sales efforts on the prospects that are most likely to convert into paying customers, optimizing the use of resources and reducing the acquisition cost.

An accurate ICP also enables businesses to create highly targeted and personalized content and campaigns, which are more likely to resonate with potential customers and drive engagement. This targeted approach not only increases the chances of converting leads but also fosters long-term relationships, ultimately resulting in higher customer lifetime value. By focusing on the right audience and tailoring lead generation strategies to their needs, B2B SaaS companies can significantly enhance their overall growth and profitability.

Here’s a guide on creating an ideal customer profile by the B2B SaaS company Qualtrics.

Build a Clear Sales Story

A compelling product positioning sales story is critical to lead generation performance, as it helps differentiate your B2B SaaS solution from competitors and effectively communicates the unique value your product brings to potential customers. By crafting a clear and persuasive sales narrative, you can pique the interest of your target audience and create a strong connection between their pain points and your solution.

Building Your Lead Generation Process Clear Sales Story

A great resource on building an effective sales story would be the book Obviously Awesome from April Dunford. I highly recommend you get a copy and do your best to master what’s in it.

A well-defined sales story also plays a vital role in unifying your marketing and sales efforts across various channels, ensuring a consistent message and value proposition. This cohesive approach can significantly improve your lead generation performance, as potential customers receive a clear and consistent understanding of how your product can benefit them. By effectively positioning your product and telling a captivating sales story, B2B SaaS companies can better captivate their target audience, leading to more qualified leads and increased conversion rates.

Choose Your Strategies

Selecting a focused set of lead generation strategies is essential for B2B SaaS companies to maximize the effectiveness of their efforts and allocate resources efficiently. By concentrating on a few high-impact strategies, companies can dedicate more time and energy to optimizing these methods, leading to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment. This focused approach allows marketing and sales teams to fine-tune their tactics, gather valuable data, and iterate quickly to improve results.

Furthermore, a targeted approach to lead generation strategies enables B2B SaaS companies to better understand their audience’s preferences and behaviors. By closely monitoring the performance of various tactics, companies can identify which methods resonate most with their target audience and adjust their approach accordingly. This invaluable insight can help businesses make data-driven decisions and prioritize strategies that truly drive results. In summary, selecting a set of lead generation strategies to start with allows B2B SaaS companies to optimize their efforts, enhance their understanding of customer preferences, and ultimately generate more qualified leads and higher conversion rates.

Build Your Toolset

Selecting the appropriate tools for managing lead generation is crucial for the success of any B2B SaaS company’s efforts. Having the right tools in place streamlines the entire process, automates repetitive tasks, and reduces the risk of human error. This, in turn, frees up time and resources for your team to focus on higher-level strategy, nurturing leads, and closing deals.

Moreover, the right lead generation tools enable more effective tracking, analysis, and optimization of your marketing and sales activities. By leveraging data-driven insights, you can continuously refine your strategies and tactics to improve the performance of your campaigns, generate higher quality leads, and boost conversion rates. Additionally, employing a suite of tools that integrate seamlessly with each other can further enhance your team’s productivity and optimize your lead generation process. In conclusion, carefully selecting the tools you’ll use to manage lead generation is essential for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your B2B SaaS marketing and sales efforts.

Measure Performance

Regular measurement of lead generation performance is imperative for any B2B SaaS company aiming to maintain long-term growth and competitive advantage. By consistently tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), such as conversion rates, cost per lead, and lead quality, you can identify which tactics are yielding the best results. This enables your team to optimize resources by focusing on strategies that deliver the highest return on investment.

Building Your Lead Generation Process Measure Performance

Continuous improvement of the lead generation process is essential for staying ahead in an ever-evolving market landscape. By analyzing performance data, you can uncover emerging trends, detect potential bottlenecks, and identify areas that require refinement. Adjusting your lead generation tactics based on these insights allows your company to adapt to changing customer preferences, market conditions, and industry advancements. In conclusion, measuring lead generation performance regularly and iterating your strategies over time is crucial for driving growth, enhancing lead quality, and ensuring the ongoing success of your B2B SaaS company.

Managing Your Lead Generation Team

Having a dedicated team of experts to manage and execute your B2B SaaS lead generation initiatives can prove extremely beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, a skilled team can bring diverse skill sets, experiences, and perspectives to the table, allowing for the development of more innovative and effective strategies. This leads to a greater variety of tactics and approaches, which can help you identify and exploit niche opportunities within the market.

Secondly, a well-structured team can efficiently allocate resources and workload, ensuring that each member focuses on their area of expertise. This ensures tasks are completed with precision and speed, leading to improved lead generation results. Furthermore, a cohesive team can collaborate effectively, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences. This continuous learning and knowledge-sharing process can foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, which ultimately contributes to the ongoing success of your B2B SaaS lead generation efforts.

Your Sales Team

Your sales team plays a critical role in the lead generation process, and their responsibilities extend beyond closing deals. To maximize their impact on B2B SaaS lead generation, your sales team should manage these aspects:

  1. Lead Qualification: Sales representatives should assess incoming leads and determine their potential based on factors such as job title, company size, and industry. This qualification process helps prioritize leads to focus on those with the highest probability of conversion, ensuring efficient use of resources.
  2. Lead Nurturing: Building relationships with potential customers is vital to bolstering lead generation efforts. Your sales team should engage in consistent communication with leads, offering personalized content, addressing concerns, and showcasing the unique value proposition of your B2B SaaS product. This nurturing process helps keep leads engaged and increases the likelihood of conversion.
Managing Your Lead Generation Team Your Sales Team
  1. Sales and Marketing Alignment: Cooperation between sales and marketing teams is essential for B2B SaaS lead generation success. Your sales team should provide feedback on marketing-generated leads and collaborate with marketing to refine targeting, messaging, and lead generation tactics to improve overall results.
  2. Technology Utilization: Sales representatives should leverage cutting-edge tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and sales intelligence software to streamline lead generation efforts. These technologies enable your sales team to automate repetitive tasks, track lead interactions, and analyze performance data to make informed decisions.

By managing these aspects of the lead generation process, your sales team can contribute to the ongoing success of your B2B SaaS lead generation strategy while simultaneously enhancing their skills and knowledge. This collaborative and data-driven approach enables your sales team to become a driving force in generating high-quality leads and accelerating company growth.

Your Marketing Team

Your marketing team plays a crucial role in your B2B SaaS lead generation efforts. They should focus on the following areas:

  1. Content Creation and Distribution: High-quality, relevant, and engaging content is the cornerstone of lead generation. Your marketing team should consistently produce a variety of content types, such as blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and case studies, to educate potential customers about your product and its benefits. They should also leverage various distribution channels, including social media, email marketing, and paid advertising, to reach a wider audience and attract more leads.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website and content for search engines is critical for attracting organic traffic and generating leads. Your marketing team should conduct keyword research, optimize on-page elements, and build high-quality backlinks to improve your website’s search engine ranking. This will help potential customers find your B2B SaaS solution more easily and increase the chances of lead generation.
  3. Lead Scoring and Segmentation: To prioritize and personalize communication with leads, your marketing team may want to implement a lead scoring system that assigns values to leads based on their engagement, behavior, and demographics. This allows your sales team to focus on the most promising leads and tailor their approach accordingly. Additionally, segmenting leads into different groups based on shared characteristics will enable your marketing team to create targeted campaigns that resonate with specific audiences.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Monitoring and analyzing lead generation data is essential for continuous improvement. Your marketing team should track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, cost per lead, and lead source effectiveness. Regular reporting helps identify which strategies and tactics are working well and which need adjustment, ensuring that your B2B SaaS lead generation efforts remain efficient and effective.

By managing these responsibilities, your marketing team can generate a steady stream of high-quality leads, laying the groundwork for a successful sales process and contributing to your company’s growth.

High Performing Teams

A high-performing sales and marketing team that achieves great results in B2B SaaS lead generation possesses a few key characteristics, which contribute to their success.

  1. Collaboration and Alignment: High-performing teams work in sync, ensuring that sales and marketing goals align with the overall company objectives. They maintain open communication channels and share insights, feedback, and best practices to optimize their joint efforts in generating leads.
  2. Mastery of Tools and Technologies: These teams are well-versed in using the latest marketing automation, CRM, and sales enablement tools to streamline processes and improve the efficiency of their lead generation campaigns. They are also quick to adapt to new technologies and trends to stay ahead of the competition.
Managing Your High Performing Lead Generation Teams
  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: High-performing teams use analytics and data to make informed decisions about their lead generation strategies. They continuously monitor and analyze performance data to identify areas for improvement and optimize their campaigns for better results.
  2. Creativity and Innovation: Such teams are not afraid to experiment with new approaches and tactics. They value innovation and are always looking for ways to improve their B2B SaaS lead generation efforts by incorporating fresh ideas and staying ahead of industry trends.
  3. Agility and Adaptability: High-performing sales and marketing teams are agile and can quickly adjust their strategies when faced with unexpected challenges or market shifts. They are proactive in identifying potential issues and are ready to pivot when necessary to maintain their lead generation momentum.

By fostering these key characteristics, a high-performing sales and marketing team can drive exceptional results in B2B SaaS lead generation, ultimately contributing to the company’s growth and success.

Economics Impact on Lead Generation Performance

Various economic conditions can significantly impact the performance of B2B SaaS lead generation efforts. Understanding these factors can help teams develop more effective strategies and adapt to changing market conditions.

  1. Market Growth and Demand: A growing market with increasing demand for B2B SaaS solutions presents favorable conditions for lead generation. In a thriving economy, businesses are more likely to invest in new technologies and seek out solutions to improve their operations. A strong market can lead to more opportunities for generating high-quality leads and converting them into customers.
  2. Economic Downturns and Recessions: During economic slowdowns or recessions, businesses may become more cautious and reduce their spending on new technologies and services. These conditions can make lead generation more challenging, as potential clients may be less likely to invest in B2B SaaS solutions. In such situations, sales and marketing teams need to adapt their strategies and focus on demonstrating the value and cost savings that their solutions can deliver.
Managing Your Lead Generation Team Economics Impact on Lead Generation Performance
  1. Industry-Specific Trends and Regulations: Changes in regulations or evolving trends within specific industries can directly affect the demand for particular B2B SaaS solutions. Companies operating in heavily regulated industries may experience fluctuations in their lead generation success as regulations change, either creating new opportunities or imposing new challenges. Staying informed about industry trends and regulatory changes is crucial for maintaining effective lead generation strategies.
  2. Competitive Landscape: The level of competition within the B2B SaaS market can also impact lead generation performance. High competition can make it more difficult to differentiate your offerings and capture the attention of potential leads. On the other hand, a less competitive market can present more opportunities for capturing a greater share of the market.

By understanding and staying attuned to these economic conditions, sales and marketing teams can adapt their B2B SaaS lead generation strategies accordingly, ensuring continued success even in the face of changing market dynamics.


In this ultimate guide to B2B SaaS lead generation strategies and tactics for 2023, we discuss the importance of adapting to various factors that can impact lead generation success. These factors include economic conditions, industry-specific trends and regulations, and the competitive landscape. By staying informed about these external factors and adjusting their strategies accordingly, sales and marketing teams can ensure continued success in generating leads for their B2B SaaS solutions, even in the face of changing market dynamics.

If you would like help with B2B SaaS lead generation strategy, schedule a product strategy call with me.  My name is Sean Boyce and I provide B2B SaaS product coaching and consulting. Learn more about me in the about section or on LinkedIn.

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