• When should you invest in marketing?


    Like many things when it comes to product, most people get marketing wrong.  I know I did when I built my first product business. The biggest question I get about marketing is – ‘when should I start?’  However, I feel a more relevant question really is ‘how should I start?’ This is because the answer to the first…

  • Dogfooding your own product


    ‘Dogfooding’ is a term used to describe using your own products or services.  Here’s a portion of the entry for the term on wiki. “Eating your own dog food or “dogfooding” is the practice of using one’s own products or services” This is a product strategy that you can use to your advantage. If you ‘dog…

  • How to make your product sales process repeatable

    How to make your product sales process repeatable


    In previous articles I showed you how to build your product sales process and talked about the differences between hunting and farming. In this article, I want to share what I’d recommend when it comes to achieving the first big step in building an effective product sales process – repeatability. Background If your product sales process…