• Why Peloton’s Holiday Commercial was Actually a Huge Success

    Why Peloton’s Holiday Commercial was Actually a Huge Success


    If you haven’t seen it yet, Peloton has recently released a new holiday commercial.   If you do know about this commercial, then you also likely know about all the outrage from it – detailed here (rather hilariously) by Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah.   What I’m going to talk about is how this commercial, despite the outrage,…

  • What Planet Fitness Did to Improve Their Customer Experience

    What Planet Fitness Did to Improve Their Customer Experience


    You’ve been building your product business for a while now, but something is missing.   Has your product experienced either of the following? If so, you may be lacking in user experience (UX), customer experience (CX) or both. Many product companies don’t build their business to provide an experience – they do it to solve a…

  • Zencastr: The almost-great podcast app

    Zencastr: The almost-great podcast app


    With over 32% of Americans listening to podcasts on a regular monthly basis, it’s clear that podcasting is here to stay. But while there are many options available for podcast production, most are cumbersome, hard to use, and the sound quality leaves a lot to be desired. Since there are so many options out there,…

  • When you need to herd cats … DOODLE!

    When you need to herd cats … DOODLE!


    If you’ve ever tried to organize a family reunion, you already know that one of the hardest tasks is to get participants to agree on a date. People may be coming to the event from afar, which means they’re taking into consideration various factors such as transportation and housing. And these days, people lead such busy…

  • What’s the story on FullStory?

    What’s the story on FullStory?


    FullStory is a powerful digital intelligence platform.  Let’s break the product down using the framework of the Product Launch System from NxtStep. Problem Anyone who has built a digital product is well aware of how difficult it can be to capture valuable analytics as they regard to usage.  Do your customers view your product as…

  • What is Blockchain Technology?

    What is Blockchain Technology?


    I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the increasingly popular cryptocurrency bitcoin.  Possibly in your travels throughout the internet you’ve also heard the term blockchain.  There is a reason why blockchain and blockchain technology is often mentioned when people are talking about cryptocurrency (such as bitcoin).  Blockchain technology is what has enabled the functionality of…

  • The Rise of HR Tech Products

    The Rise of HR Tech Products


    We are all well aware of Human Resources (HR), but what might be less familiar is a term that has been popping up everywhere – HR Tech.  HR Tech is a term used to describe the technology revolution as it applies to the HR industry.  The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) predicted several trends…