When should you invest in marketing?

Like many things when it comes to product, most people get marketing wrong.  I know I did when I built my first product business. The biggest question I get about marketing is – ‘when should I start?’  However, I feel a more relevant question really is ‘how should I start?’ This is because the answer to the first…

Dogfooding your own product

‘Dogfooding’ is a term used to describe using your own products or services.  Here’s a portion of the entry for the term on wiki. “Eating your own dog food or “dogfooding” is the practice of using one’s own products or services” This is a product strategy that you can use to your advantage. If you ‘dog…

Hunters and gatherers

Growing up we were all taught some version of the story of early civilization as they sought to find sources of food. The group would typically be broken up into hunters and gatherers. Some would hunt game and others would look for sources of food they could simply collect. In all of these stories a…

Sharing a Netflix account?

First things first, I’m no judge or some kind of Netflix cop.  In fact, I currently borrow my Netflix login from one of my family members (thanks fam!). However, what I didn’t know is that apparently millions of others are doing the same thing. “Some estimates suggest as many as a third of accounts share…

Generating results on demand

Hunting should give your product the ability to generate sales on demand. You should be able to say (with confidence) that for every X prospect you engage with about your product, you are going to create Y new paying customers. Armed with this level of predictability, you can build a product sales process that scales because…

Hunting vs farming

Hunting is when you are proactively generating leads for your business. Farming is when you invest in marketing that sends leads to you so that you can respond reactively. As such, hunting is typically associated with sales and farming is typically associated with marketing. Most people have a preference when it comes to these two strategies. …

How to make product sales scale

Tons of content is focused on product-market fit, but much of it doesn’t help you figure out how to get there. First off, I want you to think of product-market fit as a phase, NOT a destination. This is because both variables in the equation are dynamic.  Your product and your market are every changing. …

Is your product sales process repeatable?

Everyone wants their product sales process to scale, but first you must make it repeatable. Achieving repeatability is the second step towards building an effective product sales process. You’ll know you’ve achieved repeatability with your product sales process when you can create consistent results. For example, I want you to be able to say for X…

“Hey you, buy this!”

If you’re anything like me, you get a ridiculous amount of messages on LinkedIn with people trying to sell you something.  It typically goes something like this. Hello First Name!! Let me tell you why we have the most delicious used cars that you could ever imagine!! Here’s a very long and drawn out list…