E230: Harnessing Negative Feedback for Product Improvement

SummaryIn this episode, Sean discusses the significance of negative emotions in building successful B2B SaaS applications. Negative feedback from users can provide valuable insights into areas of improvement. By leveraging this feedback and understanding the “why” behind user behavior, businesses can enhance their product experience and increase success. Key Points Negative emotions can be a…

E227: Best Practices for Managing Customer Self-Service Account Cancellation

SummaryIn this episode, Sean shares his recommendations for enabling self-service cancellation for customer accounts. He emphasizes the importance of simplicity and automation in low touch B2B SaaS products. Sean cautions against deliberately confusing or deceptive cancellation processes and highlights the need to retain customers through incentives rather than barriers. Key Points Self-service options are essential…

E225: Unleashing the Power of Email Marketing: A Guide to Boosting Conversions

SummaryIn this episode, Sean explores the potential of email marketing as a tool to increase conversions and gather valuable feedback from users. He discusses the benefits of automation and shares his strategies for creating effective automated email journeys. By maximizing engagement and continuously investing in user research, Sean highlights the value of qualitative data and…

E223: Short-Term vs. Long-Term B2B SaaS Growth Strategies: Start with the End in Mind

SummaryIn this episode, Sean discusses the differences between short-term and long-term B2B SaaS growth strategies. He emphasizes the importance of starting with the end goal in mind and measuring the economics to ensure performance. Sean shares his approach of leveraging Google Ads for short-term results and investing in SEO content marketing for long-term success. He…