E172: How To Handle Negative Customer Feedback

SummaryIn this episode, the host shares his experience in dealing with unhappy B2B SaaS customers and the importance of managing negative feedback. He emphasizes the need to not panic and instead understand the situation at hand. The host offers insight into how to handle unhappy customers on a case-by-case basis and how to learn from…

E170: How To Play The Long Game With B2B SaaS Growth

SummaryIn this episode, Sean discusses the importance of moving beyond pay per click advertising for SaaS growth, and investing in content creation and search engine optimization (SEO). He emphasizes the need to create content that solves problems for your target market, and provides tips on using Google Ads console to find high-performing keywords. Sean stresses…

E169: Don’t Fall for “Struggle Porn”

SummaryIn this episode, Sean debunks the notion that you have to quit your day job to succeed in building a B2B SaaS company. He shares his experience of doing it part-time while still being able to sustain it in a healthy manner. He emphasizes that working backwards from your goals and following a sustainable process…

E167: Why You Should Build Your B2B SaaS in Public

SummaryIn this episode, Sean explains the benefits of building your B2B SaaS in public. He highlights the challenges of B2B SaaS marketing and how creating valuable content can help attract potential customers. By sharing the journey of building your product in public, you become a part of the build-in-public movement and can better understand your…

E166: Optimizing Your B2B SaaS Landing Page

SummaryIn this episode, Sean shares tips on how to create an effective landing page for B2B SaaS. He urges entrepreneurs to focus on explaining what their product is and what it does to their target market. Sean provides a simple guideline to follow while creating landing pages, which is centered around communicating the most important…

E165: How To Build Effective B2B SaaS Tiers

SummaryIn this episode, Sean discusses how to set up and design effective B2B SaaS tiers to capture the most value. He recommends starting with the basics – identifying the successful outcome that the target market is looking for and using that as the foundation. Sean advises creating different tier options for price testing, even before…